Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Nobel to Mahatma

Q. Why is Mahatma Gandhi not awarded with Nobel Peace prize ?
       The first Nobel Peace was awarded on 10 december 1901 ; 117 years ago to Jean Dunant and Frederic Passy. Till date Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded 100 times to 134 Nobel Laureates between 1901 and 2019.
       Mahatma Gandhi was nominated for Nobel Peace Prize in 1937,1938,1939 and 1947. Gandhi ji became a strong choice for this prize only after india got independence. He was nominated again in 1948 and it was sure that he would get the prize this time. But few days before the final announcement of Nobel Prize, he was assassinated by Nathuram godse.

The Nobel Committee had publicly regretted the omission of the Gandhi ji from the list of Nobel winners. That's the reason that the Norwegian Nobel Committee decided not to give Nobel Peace prize to anyone in 1948.
Actually, as per the rules of Norwegian Nobel Committee, the Nobel prize is not awarded posthumously. However, if a person is awarded a Nobel prize and dies before receiving it, the prize may still be presented. 
A Nobel  Prize may not be shared among more than three individuals, although the Nobel Peace Prize can be awarded to organisations of more than three people.

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Nobel to Mahatma